A rock remains unmoved without the pull of gravity, just as individuals cannot progress without inner drive. External forces may encourage and bolster you, yet without resolve and aspiration, advancement remains limited. True motivation stems from within, fueled by... read more
“I have to do things differently; I have to continue learning in order to hope for change,” is what PNV16 student Dinh Hiep Sy – a technology engineer from Quang Binh, now living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, has realized. Facing a family crisis... read more
“If you dare to do it, at least the success rate is only 1%, but if you don’t dare to do anything, then your success rate is 0%” is the motto embodying the steel spirit of Nguyen Thi Hang, an alumna of PNV, a female technology engineer from Quang... read more
“If I hadn’t been an IT engineer, I would have got married when I was 18”, confessed Bdao, an IT engineer from a Giarai ethnic group in Kontum. Bdao’s story is a testament to the power of technology education in breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering gender... read more
From the moment we first met online, we knew why Ms. Elsa Romeo, PNV’s ambassador, has dedicated her life to the cause of empowering women. She has been through innumerable experiences with inequality: from her place of birth in France to her education journey, to her... read more
This April, Passerelles numériques Vietnam is happy and honored to be featured at DevDay Da Nang 2023 – the most anticipated event for IT students, tech enthusiasts, professionals, and businesses in Da Nang, Vietnam. Scheduled for April 22, 2023, at the Da Nang... read more
Ho T.H. – a beneficiary at Passerelles Numeriques Vietnam confided. H. chose to say no to those prejudices that when a girl is 18, she should get married to fulfill her piety. H. chose to say no to the thoughts of staying at home and working to support her family... read more
Growing up from floods and storms, Nguyen D.V., a Passerelles numériques Vietnam (PNV) alumni, has now become a successful IT engineer. His story is one filled with struggles and hardships, but also the story of swimming against the tide towards a brighter land with... read more
“It is a very special school in Da Nang” – This is how Helly Tong, founder of two business models of green living space and refill station, creative director of Song Foundation, perfectly summarized Passerelles numériques Vietnam (PNV). The talk later reveals... read more
“Every person is born with a destiny” – That is what Tran T.Q., a Passerelles numériques Vietnam student of batch 20, currently a software engineer, told about the story of her life. Like a flower in the thunderstorms, the young girl has been... read more
Since the beginning of Oct 2020, people in central Vietnam have been exposed to constant natural disasters, including widespread flooding, landslides and large damaging storms. According to the latest UNICEF’s press release, at least 135.000 families in this region... read more
COVID-19 is a challenge for everyone, including Passerelles numériques staff and students: it has challenged our mission, it has changed our work habits and made us question our ways of proceeding. We would like to share with you how we have overcome challenges and to... read more
To further the active participation and commitment of the alumni with the mission of Passerelles numériques, the External Relations Team of PN Philippines launched a joint project called the Nutrition Sponsorship Project. with the PN Philippines Alumni Association.... read more
Last October, 40 class PNV19 students graduated, becoming the first class to complete PN Vietnam’s new three-year training program. Eight months on, we are reaching out again to see how they are doing, and how PN has had a positive initial impact on their lives. We... read more
Our work at Passerelles numeriques Cambodia is to provide quality education, including technical and soft-skills training, as a gateway for life to escape poverty. Alumni have taken advantage of their time with us to build successful careers as entrepreneurs or pursue... read more
In these perplexing times, it is more important than ever to bond and focus on people, our families, our relatives and our friends; but maybe it is also the perfect time to open ourselves to outsiders, people in need or actors of change. We are pleased to present... read more
In the light of the ongoing preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19, and following recommendations or decisions of local governments, our operations are currently impacted as followed: In Vietnam, our students have not returned to the centre since Têt... read more
The success of our graduates defines the success of our mission. It is a great pleasure to start this new year by giving you news of our young graduates and their success! After two to three years of intense training in our three centres, in Cambodia, the Philippines... read more
Part of the Passerelles numériques delegation (from left to right: Marice Jade CHUA, Moritz LAQUA, Maud LHUILLIER, Trang VO, Eléonore IRIART and Laurence HURET, Member of the PN Board) Thanks to the support of the French Embassy in Cambodia and of the organizers of... read more
Manulife Cambodia and PN Cambodia during the donation of bikes and helmets event Over the year, Passerelles numériques Cambodia (PNC) was able to count on a growing number of partners for student sponsorships, in-kind donations and skills development support to build... read more
PN Philippines staff pose with Singapore Board members, Alan Ong (seated left) and Bruno Schricke (seated right). They were also joined by PN Asia’s External Relations and Development Manager, Moritz Laqua (seated centre), and a visitor from Girl Rising, Jerome Bactol... read more
Graduates of PN Vietnam’s 2019 Class On October 12th, the first class of PN Vietnam’s new three-year training program graduated. The students celebrated one of the most important turning points of their lives – the Graduation Ceremony! Starting in September 2016, 40... read more
Béatrice MONTARIOL (left): consultant for SIPAR, technical and educational advisor in charge of project development & Sothea SIN (right): Library Program Coordinator For the past few months, we have been working with SIPAR to launch the pilot of our new Nomadlab... read more
Certified Network Associate (MTCNA) We are pleased to announce that our school has been successfully verified by MikroTik Company and has joined the program of the MikroTik Academy. MikroTik is a global manufacturer of network devices based on the RouterOS.... read more
Student taking notes during the specialization workshop During their first year of training, various activities are organized so that our students hold all the cards to make the best choice for their specialization. Specializations aim to focus on a specific topic... read more
Career Seminar 2019 took place successfully in June 2019 With the aim of offering a closer look at IT companies in Danang and providing career guidance, a Career Seminar was held in June by our 2nd-year students for all PN Vietnam students. PN Vietnam’s annual Career... read more
Out of 1,988 applicants from different provinces of the Visayas, 75 students were chosen to be the new recipients of Passerelles numériques Philippines’ Certificate in Computer Technology Scholarship programme. Class 2022 selection process For more than 9 months, our... read more
Closely collaborating since 2017 in multiple areas of support to our mission (funds, skills, resources, systems, communication), Microsoft and Passerelles numériques share a strong common vision that Digital Education is a powerful lever to escape poverty in a... read more
Despite significant progress, the issues that led to the creation of Passerelles numériques in 2005 are still relevant today: peace, poverty, hunger, access to water, healthcare or education, etc. The United Nations tackle them through the Sustainable Development... read more
Pascal Lambert leads Societe Generale in South East Asia and India. He is based in Singapore and has been working with us since 2013, first as a partner and, then more on a personal level, becoming in 2016 an official board member of the PN organization in Singapore.... read more
In March, PN Cambodia was honoured to take part in two important events dedicated to national digital transformation, its development, its challenges, and its key solutions to strengthen and promote this industry in Cambodia. Cambodia’s Digital Economy workshop and... read more
Every year, various French NGOs in Cebu, Philippines gather for the annual Gamesfest. It aims to create a spirit of camaraderie and teamwork amongst its beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers who come from all walks of life. The 5th Annual Gamesfest was held last March... read more
On March 9th 2019, PN Vietnam successfully organized the “Women Talk” event in order to share an overview of some career paths in the IT sector to inspire students, especially the female ones, to work hard and succeed. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, PN... read more
Passerelles numériques Philippines reached a milestone this year when we celebrated our first decade. To commemorate this important event, different activities are being planned and organized for the students, alumni, staff and partners. In an effort to expand its... read more
PN Cambodia Group photo in Sen Monorom, capital of Mondulkiri province Every year, PN Cambodia organizes a staff retreat. The aim is to strengthen ties, increase the understanding of PN’s vision, mission and values but also for staff to relax and have fun after a busy... read more
Every year, our future graduates design and create a capstone project with real clients and present their proposal to members of the IT industry in the Philippines. Third-year students are given one semester to begin their proposal documentation and build client... read more
One of our students during her presentation In December 2018, for the first time ever, PN Vietnam successfully organized a pitching contest for the 3rd-year students. This contest is a major highlight in the training program that PN Vietnam has been working on since... read more
Passerelles numériques’ mission is not only to provide IT training to underprivileged students but also to ensure that they will escape poverty in a sustainable way. To do so, we try to prepare them to become self-sufficient, responsible adults, by helping them to... read more
On November 20th, we were honored to receive the 2018 “Fondation RAJA Women’s Award” in the “Vocational training and employability” category for our “Improving girls’ access to employment in the digital industry” project in... read more
In October every year, an integration week is organised by the PN Cambodia Education Team to welcome the new students, who come from different provinces, and to prepare them for their PN journey. After 8 months of a fair and rigorous Selection Process in 10 provinces... read more
PN Philippines invited partners and showcased new training curriculum from the IT skills market survey, highlights of the alumni impact survey, and other organizational announcements. Last September 12th, PN Philippines gathered our partners from private, public, and... read more
On the way to achieving our mission of enabling underprivileged young people to build their employability through education, Passerelles numériques Vietnam (PN Vietnam) is happy to receive great support from our treasured partners as well as NGOs. During 2018, we have... read more
This year, and, for the 3rd time, Societe Generale supported Passerelles numériques’ actions with the Asia Pacific Bike Ride, a two-day cycling event. Let’s seize this opportunity to thank them warmly and to highlight our strong partnership. It all started 4... read more
Concentrating on the poorest areas in the extensive region surrounding each training centre, in Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam, our Selection Process follows four stages. We select our students through information sessions, written exams, motivation interviews... read more
PNC students and staff from Nippon Paint Cambodia before starting the painting activity. 11 years after we started to operate in Cambodia, we decided that it was time for our centre to be redecorated. The first step of this project involved redecorating the two rooms... read more
In June 2018, PN Philippines moved its second centre-dormitory to a more student-friendly environment. After six long years, we now have a new home for our second centre. Throughout the years, PN Philippines (PNP) had two centres — Centre 1, where the... read more
PNV students and staff have been trained to use Mid-air force feedback interface In June 2018, Passerelles numériques Vietnam and Graphics Miner Lab organised successfully its first workshop about AI (Artificial Intelligence), robotics and simulation. PNV students had... read more
Introducing NomadLab and Play4Gateway! Two projects using our 13 years of educational experience in Southeast Asia to tackle some of the most pressing development challenges of our time: bridging the digital divide and providing access to digital learning content for... read more
Their names are Mathilde, Olivier, Floriane, Simmoni, Sophan, Mathieu, Roland, Mickael, Veronique, Thomas and Thibault. Together they took up a challenge by running during the “Course des Héros” race in Paris and Lyon on June 17. Together they raised more than €9000... read more
Students at our three centres in Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam all face a decisive period at some point during their course: work placements in companies. How do they prepare for them? Whose job is it to help them? How do our partner companies get involved?... read more
The 2018 SNA students after their presentations March 1st 2018 was the end of the IT Research project, a two-month independent research for the SNA (System & Network Administration) students at our centre in Cambodia. Two months earlier, the SNA training team had... read more
Students during the photoshoot wearing their Trashion outfits Students of PN Philippines displayed their creativity and love of the environment with a fashion event in April 2018. The 1st year students of PN Philippines Class of 2020 unleashed their creative skills as... read more
Meeting IT experts, a new internship program, a Career Seminar event, DevDay: here are some of the steps to guide PNV students towards their professional life. Let’s explore more about their progress during this guidance-to-employment period. Students put their... read more
2015 PN Cambodia Graduation Ceremony Now that social responsibility in a company is being increasingly talked about, how is it implemented in effect? What are the determinant factors in the partnership between an NGO and a company to ensure it really bears fruit and... read more
Fighting poverty is like teaching a man to fish, the only way that you can get out of it is through education. Project Girl Code and Passerelles numériques Cambodia (PNC) have similar missions and goals: provide IT and Digital Literacy skills to underprivileged youth... read more
PN Philippines ended 2017 with an IT event assembling various stakeholders to create a network for an efficient and effective IT workforce. December was a busy month for Passerelles numériques Philippines as we conducted a major IT event on December 5th in Cebu City... read more
In December 2017, Passerelles numériques Vietnam successfully organized the first Debating Contest with advice from professional trainers. This competition was an opportunity for PNV students to learn new skills which would be extremely useful during both their... read more
On December 15th, Passerelles numériques Singapore organised its first fundraising event! A paintings auction night – cocktail in a Vietnamese art gallery. For its first anniversary, PN Singapore received an amazing present… that brought together Natwest... read more
Those first month of the students in our centres are the result of our fair and rigorous selection process which allow us to select the most underprivileged young people. Their arrival is a major change to their life: leaving their parents, family and friends but also... read more
During the last week of September (25th to 29th), Passerelles numériques Vietnam was very happy to welcome five volunteers from different branches of JPMorgan for an entrepreneurship workshop. The aim of that workshop was for the students to design their own business... read more
During September, PN pitched its innovative “Play4Gateway” project in front of a distinguished, international jury at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) SOLVE event in New York City. Here is what PN gained from that unique opportunity.... read more
In October, in Vietnam and Cambodia, we were honored to receive the French Ambassadors in our centers: a great recognition of our work but also an opportunity to meet our teams and our students. On October 9, PN Vietnam team welcomed Mr Bertrand Lortholary, French... read more
The Solidarity Act program was created by PN to allow its Alumni to give back to their school after having the chance to benefit from a full scholarship during 2 years. What is the Solidarity Act? Three months after finishing PNC and once students have found a... read more
Class 2018 during their Integration Days in 2015 47 third-year students in the Philippines are busy working on their final year in preparation for their most anticipated event: Graduation. This year, Passerelles numériques Philippines’ Class 2018 are in their most... read more
It’s PNV version 2.0! New training partner, new center, new dormitory: it’s all about novelty, showing our flexibility and capacity to adapt to the new context’s requirements. Join us in this new adventure! New training partner Due to changes in the Vietnamese... read more
A new Lab opening soon in Cambodia! Full of advanced IT equipment, it will enable students to use brand new technologies with a learn-by-doing methodology. The two-year Project sponsored by ANZ Royal Bank is progressing well. We envision this project to be completed... read more
Kurt McClung is a storyteller. A specialist in ‘narrative design’, he worked at Ubisoft with Aude de Rotalier, one of our board members at PN Singapore. He now helps us at Passerelles numériques to focus how we speak about our organization and our worldview. Here he... read more
Summer is one of the best seasons for Passerelles numériques Philippines’ students. It is not about the beach nor the sun. It is about the various innovative summer classes we organize for them. Summer 2017 was a dynamic period for our students. This year, we... read more
During the spring, some alumni & staff of PN Vietnam came to visit Cambodia. This was the occasion for them to visit the PN center in Cambodia, to meet their counterparts but also to discover Khmer culture. Here are their different perspectives on this trip.... read more
PN Philippines takes pride in its alumni whose career path has reached an international level. Here are stories of our alumni who have gone overseas for various professional endeavors. As a key indicator of Passerelles numériques’ performance, the success of our... read more
We are grateful to count Microsoft as a partner since early 2017. They are sponsoring many aspects of our program such as the Selection Process and the Training in our three operating countries. We met Daiana Beitler – Regional Director for Microsoft Philanthropies in... read more
System Administration, Software Architecture, Source-Active. But not only that! In PN language, this acronym also stand for Student Association. What’s that? What is the aim? What are the different organizations and achievements in each country? Allow us to introduce... read more
In 2016, PNC’s team & students launched together a project to reorganize the whole library. Design, books, and a library management system were discussed and adapted to fit better with the student’s wishes & needs. In the beginning of 2016, PNC’s library was... read more
How has PN Vietnam adapted to companies’ requirements and feedback as well as the most recent changes in education policies in Vietnam? We interviewed PN Vietnam’s Training manager to find out more. In 2016, the Vietnamese government changed some education policies to... read more
In a context of a fast changing and competitive job market, adapting the training program becomes a must for better preparing students for their professional life and their employability. A new pedagogical approach has been implemented in order to have more... read more
PN Philippines recognizes the significance of the regular visits of the students to its partner companies organized as part of its Guidance to Employment program. Guidance to employment is a key element of Passerelles numériques (PN)’s program, and the company visits... read more
Patrick Masson has been providing professional and personal support to Passerelles numériques for some years now. He is a passionate photographer and when we told him that we wanted to have a thorough photo report to illustrate PN’s impact on the students and their... read more
A wide range of new extracurricular activities allows our students to release stress, have fun and burn energy for a healthy lifestyle! As part of our holistic educative approach, Passerelles numériques (PN) Vietnam has decided to develop more sports and outdoors... read more
Ponleu Leat, from Cambodia, Rose Mar L. Magalay, from the Philippines, and Vo Ma Dien, from Vietnam, graduated in 2016. They told us all about their 1st steps in the professional world. Ponleu LEAT Graduated in 2016 from PN Cambodia (WEP - Web Programming) “After I... read more
The history of Passerelles numériques, over the last 11 years, was built thanks to the help of hundreds of volunteers supporting our operations. Many have volunteered during months, several stayed for two weeks; some even come back! Others came once a week, but during... read more
This year, Passerelles numériques Vietnam (PNV) students got the chance to do an internship at PYCO GROUP and Linkbynet, two IT companies in the biggest city in Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh city. It was not only a great opportunity for students to discover a new environment... read more
Hélène Gagaille and Simon Manning are two of the amazing volunteers who greatly contribute to PN’s activities each year (117 volunteers in 2015!). They led Passerelles numériques’ new website project with success. Crossed interview with our 2 favorite digital nomads!... read more
Every year, in September and October, three new sets of students arrive, one in each Passerelles numériques centre. Known as the Integration Days or the Welcoming Days, this very important moment concerns not only the new students, but also the entire PN teams! Thus,... read more
Nearing graduation, Passerelles Numériques Cambodia’s (PNC) students are looking for job opportunities and precious advices. The Career Forum 2016, organised on September 24, on the PNC Campus, was an amazing chance for them to fulfil these goals. This 3rd edition... read more
As one of the fundamentals of Passerelles numériques Philippines’ (PNP) training process, the Professional Life Training is continuously updated and improved by the team in order for it to be in line with the demands of our current society and market. With the advent... read more
This year, Passerelles numériques (PN) Vietnam is glad to extend its presence to Ho Chi Minh City by starting a new adventure with PYCO Group, a key digital consulting and software development agency whose dedicated consultants and developers deliver result-driven... read more
Since September 2015, Passerelles numériques (PN) Philippines’ training is going through a major reform, establishing a new model of training, more innovative, interactive and fun. Thanks to a more student-centered and learn-by-doing pedagogy, technology... read more
The Virtual Company project, which puts an end to the second year students’ training at PNC, is dreaded by the students but also constitutes a real challenge, making them apply all of their skills and learn new ones! This four-week project gave the students the... read more
In accordance with the stated aims of the Board of Directors over the past few years, and their commitment to strategic planning, Passerelles numériques (PN) has set up a series of processes to measure precisely our impact in Cambodia, the Philippines and in Vietnam.... read more
Salesforce is a software company specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) and precursor of Cloud Computing. Since 2010, Passerelles numériques is fortunate to benefit from 10 free licenses of its tool, with a customized version for non-profit... read more
February’s monthly theme was about environmental consciousness at PN Cambodia. An opportunity for the students to take the challenge and lead their school to be greener and more eco-friendly. What a month! For the first time at Passerelles numériques Cambodia,... read more
Talks at PN enables various ideas to meet in order to have a high creative impact among the students, staff and alumni. Thus, as side-effects they become “PNspired, PNgaged & PNthusiastic” with their respective personal mission and ambition. This once-a-month... read more
PN receives support for its female students in Cambodia. A nice recognition of its action towards girl’s access to education and employment. Promoting gender equality and women’s independence is the third millennium development goal for the years following 2015.... read more
February and April were important months for PN in Cambodia and the Philippines. Families, friends, partners, students, alumni and PN staff gathered to celebrate the graduation of 169 students! Passerelles numériques Cambodia On February 6th, the 9th graduation... read more
2016 started with the aim of bringing a playful learning place with dynamic and innovative activities for students. Passerelles numériques Vietnam (PNV) therefore decided to restructure its current library. The project was carefully planned and closely followed by the... read more
Since 2013, LogiGear has been supporting PN Vietnam in many ways; and a step further in 2015 as PNV students will now benefit from LCTP, the LogiGear Certified Testing Program. The year 2015 was a turning point in the partnership between Passerelles numériques Vietnam... read more
The first student association is a new venture which will allow students to develop extra curricular activities and to participate in a project giving them responsibility and bringing them together. The end of 2015 at Passerelles numériques Cambodia (PNC) was marked... read more
After six years of highly dedicated work, it is time for Hélène Huard, PN Philippines’ previous General Manager to leave Cebu. While packing, she gave us some of her time… Hello Hélène, after 6 years working at Passerelles numériques (PN) Philippines, you are... read more
Having joined Passerelles numériques (PN) in Paris about two years ago, Fabrice Filachet, Education and Social Mission Manager, left France to come live in Phnom Penh, in the context of the creation of a centralized office in Asia and a lightening of the coordination... read more
The end of year 2015 has been marked by two successful charity events organized to raise funds and celebrate the 10 years of Passerelles numériques. In Hong Kong On November 2nd, the PN Hong Kong team of volunteers arranged a very successful charity event. 150... read more
After 10 months of an intensive and rigorous selection process, Passerelles numériques Philippines Class 2018 have finally been chosen. The 49 deserving students have been selected among the 9000 youth from all over the Visayas who have undergone the selection... read more
In the framework of its holistic approach to education, Passerelles numériques Cambodia (PNC)’s education team and the communication department decided to suggest several activities related to street art to students during the whole month of August. This event... read more