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      75127 PARIS CEDEX
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PN Cambodia has given me great training & education! I am not sure I could find that anywhere else. I learned so much at PNC programme and having this on my resume has put me light years ahead of the competition. I would not be where I am today if it was not thanks to the training programme in Information Technology I was part of. Thanks to all the teachers, staffs and partners who make the programme a true success: thank PNC!

Chanratha LY

PNC alumni, class 2010, Front-End and Database Manager,

There was a huge change in my life after PN. I realized that I am capable of doing something bigger! That my dreams before weren’t just dreams… My family is my first source of motivation. I wanted to study, to get a good job and help them. And now, I am proud to see them in a situation way better than before. Proud to help my brother finish his education. Proud to help my family slowly build a new and stronger house.

Leia Anjelica A. Mantilla

PNP alumni class 2014, Sales and Customer Advocate and Quality Assurance Specialist, Clicklabs Ventures

Before joining PNV, all of my relatives disapproved my wish to come here to study as they thought IT was not suitable for a girl. But my mother advised me to go and study at PNV. Before I left, she asked me to try to study hard which I did! My mother is my everyday inspiration and motivation.

Hoang Thi Hoa Dao

PNV alumni, class 2015, Quality Control Officer, DiCentral