About us
Our organisationOur mission
Passerelles Numériques is a non-profit organization under French law, created in 2005, operating in three Asian countries: Cambodia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Madagascar.
Our mission is to provide education, technical and professional training in the digital sector to young underprivileged people by leveraging their potential and willpower.
Our vision
We endeavour to truly develop their employability which will allow them and their families to escape poverty in a sustainable way, and contribute to the social and economic development of their countries.
Our beneficiaries are typically underprivileged or disadvantaged, in extremely precarious situations, according to the criteria PN has defined/specified for each of the countries in which it operates.
Our objectives
PN’s objective is that at least 90% of the students enrolled in our programs can escape poverty, be professionally more successful relatively to the national average, and take advantage of a ‘Gateway for Life’.
PN’s additional objective is to reduce inequality between genders. Therefore, PN strives to enrol a ratio of at least 50% girls (or a maximum of two thirds) at each of our centers.
Our values
Key Dates
- 2021: Creation of PN Madagascar : new program launched in Antananarivo with an initial intake of 25 students.
- 2016: Creation of the legal entity « PN SEA » (South East Asia) in Singapore with an objective of fundraising & awareness to Passerelles numériques’ actions
- 2015: Passerelles numériques celebrates its 10 years! Since the beginning, more than 1,500 underprivileged students came through PN’s training program and can now live the life they have chosen.
- 2013: Creation of Passerelles numériques Hong Kong Limited, a charity, run by a team of volunteers, which aims to raise awareness and collect funds to support PN’s actions.
- 2012: 1st graduation of 24 students in PN Philippines and 27 students in PN Vietnam
- 2010: Creation of PN Vietnam: new program launched in Danang with an initial intake of 30 students.
- 2009: Creation of PN Philippines: new program launched in Cebu city with an initial intake of 25 students.
- 2007: 20 students graduated in Cambodia (System & Network Administration training program).
- 2006: Creation of the legal structure Passerelles numériques, a French non-profit organisation.
- 2005: Opening of the Centre for Information Systems Training (CIST), former name of PN Cambodia, the 1st first training centre based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with Accenture and Enfants du Mékong (initial intake of 25 students).
PN supports the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a set of 17 “Global Goals” spearheaded by the United Nations through a deliberative process involving its 193 Member States, as well as global civil society to fulfill a broad range of sustainable development issues with 2030 horizon. These included ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, making cities more sustainable, combating climate change, and protecting oceans and forests.

Extreme poverty rates have been cut by more than half since 2000. While this is a remarkable achievement, one in five people in developing regions still live on less than $1.90 a day, and there are millions more who make little more than this daily amount, plus many people risk slipping back into poverty.
Our beneficiaries are typically underprivileged or disadvantaged young people, in extremely precarious situations, according to the criteria PN has defined for each of the countries in which it operates.

Delivering quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development. Major progress has been made towards increasing access to education at all levels and increasing enrollment rates in schools
By constantly adjusting our training programmes to companies needs and inviting professionals to develop our curricula we are able to ensure an up-to-date and high quality training with IT technical skills, education curriculum and soft-skills.

While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals (including equal access to primary education between girls and boys), women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
As part of our objectives, we strive to take a ratio of at least 50% of girls at each of our centres every year.

What we do
Conduct a fair and rigorous selection
Concentrating on the poorest areas in the large region surrounding each training center, our selection process follows four stages:
- Information sessions to explain the IT sector and its opportunities, and to introduce our programs.
- Written exams in logic, mathematics and English to check the applicants’ abilities.
- Individual interviews to assess each applicant’s motivation, maturity and mindset.
- Social investigations to evaluate the family’s resources and validate their eligibility. Only the most underprivileged are admitted.
Provide a general training in professional skills
This differentiating component of our training programs is highly appreciated by recruiting companies. We specifically cover:
- English language learning.
- ‘Professional life’ training nurturing business skills based on general knowledge, business world knowledge and behavioral skills.
- Higher-level soft skills such as open-mindedness, autonomy, flexibility and initiative.
Deliver a solid technical and practical training
Focusing on employability, Passerelles numériques’ training is constantly updated in order to match business needs; it aims at being practical, targeted and certified.
Ensure a social and educational development
To prepare our students to become autonomous and independent adults, Passerelles numériques has developed a personal development extra-curricular program which revolves around PN’s values: trust, responsibility, solidarity. Our holistic educative approach also helps our students to acquire solid general knowledge and better understand the world around them.
They also develop general, environmental and health awareness through various prevention activities. In order for our students to focus on their intense studies, PN covers their needs and expenses:
- Moral and educational support: follow-up and counseling
- Training expenses
- Living expenses: lodging, equipment, food, transportation, medical expenses
- Students learn how to manage a budget by receiving a monthly allowance for food and personal daily expenses. A small part of the expenses is covered by student’s families which helps to maintain their strong involvement.
Facilitate access to employment
Students are guided through both their internship and job search by our External Relations department, closely supported by our alumni network and by PN’s partners (resume and cover letter workshops, individual follow-up and coaching, career orientation sessions, regular sessions of job interview roleplays).